Welcome to our latest private sale, which is really just a fancy way of saying that the gd mf boyz are leveraging their personal and professional industry connections in an effort to win your love, loyalty and devotion through exclusive steals and deals. In all seriousness, we're linking you directly with our favorite brands and designers no strings attached whenever we can. Honestly, we get nothing out of this besides the peace of mind that you're being taken care of because we're just built different.
More vintage discounts for your headtop. It's been a minute since we linked our best friends behind the paywall with our old pal Bijan of Intramural Shop both on pod and behind closed doors on Patreon for some steals and deals. So, knowing distance makes the heart grown fonder and the fingers itchier, we had to rewind the esoteric ephemera from one of the most laser-focused, big-brained vintage homies in the game that you've seen thus far. Nobody does it quite like Big Bij, so let's get to picking because, well, he already did the hard work for us.