God bless the echo chamber. And no, I’m not talking about my empty head, where stray thoughts rattle like a microphone violently dropped in our studio completely devoid of any soundproofing whatsoever. I’m giving this little menswear bubble its flowers because on any other non-sacred timeline you’re probably reading something heinous like “Deadpool & Wolverine hits diffy in Delta One” because I had homework due.
Fall footwear rotation pics have absolutely taken the TF subreddit by storm and even I have not been able to shake the infectious corniness of my fellow subhumans. Granted, my shit is locked and dialed, naturally. I DO NOT NEED ANY MORE FOOTWEAR lest I lose my marriage. But all these menswear nerd equivalents to money spreads got the ol’ rusty gears churning, albeit slowly. With the floodgates cracked, the trickle began.

It can’t be just James and me riffing on yesterday’s Afters, right? Ya’ll are seeing this too? Low-top hikers are officially about to happen if they aren’t happening already. It feels like just yesterday that J.Crew’s in-house starter pack had the foodcourt chubbed up to the point where they’re not only sold out, but I’m seeing real, actual zoods of Taobao D-ringed canoes seemingly made out of carpet fiber complete with the linoleum flooring to match. I mean, I get it. The hiking boot renaissance from the past year or two has rightfully beat the trend allegations like any solid classic should and extended its relevance to the kinds of dressers who more often than not live in the present to their own detriment. That being said, you don’t wanna be the guy who smokes a pair of colorful shoelaces and ends up on Temu. Instead, I’d cop and refurbish some haunted beaters on eBay with a tasty lil $10 lace swap personally speaking. Side note: Sellers should start including whether or not somebody actually died while wearing an item in the product description. I think that would be tight.