Hey team, it's Chef.
Some of you may have heard that this past week, Chet “JR” White, known for his time in the band Girls, passed away. Girls was and still is one of my favorite bands from San Francisco, and they were a huge part of my teenage years.
It's hard to think about Girls without thinking about driving. I used to spend hours on the road, whether it was lurking around the Evergreen suburbs in high school, stuck in tech bro traffic on the 101, or cruising down the windy 17 to get to the beaches in Santa Cruz. My favorite road to drive on, however, was the 280, an open highway stretching from downtown San Jose, through Palo Alto and Menlo Park, all the way to San Francisco. As a freshly licensed kid, nothing felt more freeing than speeding up that beautiful, golden road to get to the city.
Chef Jams No. 6 is a quick mix of some of the shoegaze, garage, post-punk, dream pop, and indie shit from the Hypem era that got me through that journey during those years.